Well, I haven't said anything for a while because my computer is officially pau (This post is from a friends computer). It, along with all my other stuff, has been put into storage and has now left my house empty. I have also acquired a nice little cold for me to enjoy for the last few days, which has left me bored out of my mind. No books, no guitar, no internet and pretty much no Tv because I forgot that there is never anything decent on.
One thing that did catch my attention was the comments made by Joe Biden and the follow up comments made by Colon Powell. Joe Biden said that we can expected an International crisis within the first six months of Obama's Presidency (Obama is going to win, but I don't really care which puppet gets into office). He went on to say that it could be one of about four or five scenarios, but guaranteed that one of them WILL happen to "test" Obama. A short time later Colon Powell comments on this saying that Biden's comments are true that "something" will happen and that "it" will happen around January 21st or 22nd. I just wanted to document this to see what event arises in the near future and to see the playing out of these predictions. I don't have any faith in this government and it wouldn't surprise me if another "9/11" took place to create another war opportunity, to help bring us out of this economic slump. All I know is that if america was "attacked" again (or israel was attacked), the sheep-like american people will rally behind President Obama and jump on another War band wagon, just like in 2001 for Bush. But we will see, won't we.