I guess I have to start this out some how so let me first say that I don't know how long the dedication will last for this blog. Especially since I am beginning my long sot after career of being a Hobo, computer access maybe limited. So I originally was gonna start this up for just my photos but I now realized I like the idea of being able to ramble on about meaningless bullshit. So let it begin. I have been having some crazy dreams the last few nights, and I have know idea how I could possibly conjure up such stuff.
So I was on this slave ship fishing boat in the middle of the ocean and there was this mid-evil looking executioner crackin wipes and such as myself and like thirty other "slaves" slaved away. So we were apparently hand lining for fish while these midgets (one of them being Danny Devito for some reason) were trying to yank the line out of our hands. Every time someone lost there fishing line to one of the midgets the seas would get all stormy and crazy. So eventually the seas got rough enough, that I was thrown over board and it turned into one of those falling dreams that always ends with me jolting up wide awake. I never caught any fish if you were wondering.
Randomly he learns to blog again
5 years ago
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